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Dernière édition de: stbrieuc22 (29-01-2014 12:15:31)
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Haff rien de spé, ma claque du taff et de ce pays.
Hate de me barrer à l'instar de mon vieux Ed
We have been considered many things: A city in decay, a city in distress and without hope.
However we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us.
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Non pour la ville
C'est vrai que pour moi retourner en France c'est inconcevable (taxe sur retraite, Sécu, TVA, Essence, Taxes Tv ...etc...)
je vais au contraire prendre la double nationalité.
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On m'a dit "la France, tu l'aime ou tu la quitte"
J'ai fait mon choix
We have been considered many things: A city in decay, a city in distress and without hope.
However we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us.
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District de Landeck (Bezirk)
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Vous avez le droit de renier la france, pas la Bretagne, gast
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JAMAIS je ne renierai la Bretagne
la Bretagne, c'est pas la France, c'est un bastion d'irréductibles!
Dernière édition de: Stringer Stanfield Little (29-01-2014 12:44:14)
We have been considered many things: A city in decay, a city in distress and without hope.
However we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us.
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Hors ligne
non pour les réponses Nom imprononçable
Evidemment j'ai toute ma famille en Bretagne, je parle de la France comme ici je suis en Catalogne.
Je vais bientôt aller y faire un tour
Dernière édition de: stbrieuc22 (29-01-2014 12:48:31)
Hors ligne
We have been considered many things: A city in decay, a city in distress and without hope.
However we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us.
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Ichegueule bien joué
A toi
Hors ligne
1. 694 points : stbrieuc22
2. 417 points : MAHI
3. 303 points : Kimmi reviens!
4. 216 points : Stringer Stanfield Little
5. 189 points : T'as Roazhon,
6. 141 points : Nicopicolo
6. 132 points : L'esprit chafouin
8. 120 points : Rubiosrfc35
9. 114 points : Bob Senoussi
11. 102 points : Puchkin
12. 93 points : Sheikyo, Fabrice
14. 87 points : Mandjana
15. 78 points : xxRck91xx
16. 75 points : Breizhatoi, Pietro, Dnairb
19. 69 points : Ben_50,
20. 60 points : Galette Wurst
21. 57 points : l'do
22. 54 points : Yoyodu29, David Villa
24. 45 points : J'iraiCracherSurLacombe, Kissifrott
26. 42 points : lauig
27. 39 ponts : OyorQ
28. 36 points : Clowny, Philippe22
30. 33 points : Paquit35, keitarourashima
32. 30 points : Gus, Fabiniou, Fatalvinou
35. 27 points : Kielin, paquit35, Melou22, paul_35
38. 24 points : DANOCH, Mouchedusrfc
40. 21 points : Soun, Kimks, big_smile, srfcfan, Ferja
45. 18 points : Goul, Tybeau, M., Mishalex, vieux_bobby, Tony35, Chmo, Grig, Alchimik, Dam22, Tharos,
54. 15 points : Fishbone, Midax, Yann Kervalen, Quentiste Baptistimo, Breizhboy35, Flyers,
62. 12 points : Tenshi, Airwan22, L!thos, Sa3k, Damdam, numskull, Mark the UglyC, Eflh
71. 09 points : big_smile, Luce, BRETON94, Crevette, zvon, Romain, Grishina, Dark.City
79. 06 points : Montfortais, Ptah, El_Pichichi, Sakavomi, Pius35, Zeluronus,lebreton31, Robert Chapatte, fuf, minimir35, Anmor,sylvainsrfc, Kelt, Clemso, Lunatic35,
93. 03 points : Rossoneri, Mouf, magicbreizh, Utakad , JSCL, Roy Keane, gUeMA, Marry-r, sam13,falzard, Loïck-35,shadow35, Thomas Xp3, Rodighiero, Kenjizz, juju55, Led Zeppelin, Bocanegra35, Aficionado srfc, Finrod, Simao, Scynik, Colonel Foley, Valentin35, Alexandrü, C@rloSRFC, kaga-8, Huran, damien22190, Fonky Fab, Breizh-Robinho, Willy, fireincairo, Pinault22, Erwann, White-Pierrow, Karamba
Dernière édition de: Stringer Stanfield Little (29-01-2014 13:00:47)
We have been considered many things: A city in decay, a city in distress and without hope.
However we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us.
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Hors ligne
We have been considered many things: A city in decay, a city in distress and without hope.
However we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us.
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Hors ligne
We have been considered many things: A city in decay, a city in distress and without hope.
However we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us.
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Amerique ?
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Hors ligne
Nein c'est plutôt loin d'orient
We have been considered many things: A city in decay, a city in distress and without hope.
However we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us.
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Caraibes ?
Hors ligne
Plutôt oui
We have been considered many things: A city in decay, a city in distress and without hope.
However we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us.
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Hors ligne
We have been considered many things: A city in decay, a city in distress and without hope.
However we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us.
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Cuba ?
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