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She'd still be head of state for Scotland.
What is she complainng of ? She'll add another title, a double crown like the queens of ancient Egypt !
Queen of Britain and Scotland !
"Ouais c'est vrai c'est un hold up, mais cette victoire on l'a pas volée" Y. M'vila le soir d'un Toulouse-Rennes
"Le barbecue à gaz c'est de la merde" S. Armand
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Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Scotland?
And she has lost a few crowns, but she has been Queen of many more countries over her reigns: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ti … izabeth_II
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Apparently, this was on French TV tonight, explaining independence to y'all.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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French TV once said Iraq had the fourth biggest army in the world, don't trust them
On a more serious note, you definitely have an impressive level of resources per head, and the potential to build something strong on the model of Scandinavian countries. Once again, the question is who will it profit to. And the big inconvenience in the case of the the Scandinavian countries is that the cost of life has gone absolutely batshit mental. If an independent state can make good use of the country's wealth and resources without living half of its population behind, then why not.
This is really what I would be concerned about (That and I am really scared the price of whisky might climb like crazy if any sort of trade agreements are being reneged on )
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One of my british colleagues that said before summer "Yes winning? It's never gonna happen" made me laugh when he tried to find an explanation for the latest poll :"In Scotland, they have probably watched Braveheart all day long in the last couple of months"
Dernière édition de: J'iraiCracherSurLacombe (10-09-2014 14:17:21)
"Il y a toujours un pied ghanéen qui empêche les Allemands de trouver la solution finale." Xavier Gravelaine, au commentaire de Ghana-Allemagne, Coupe du Monde 2010.
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If an independent state can make good use of the country's wealth and resources without living half of its population behind, then why not.
This is really what I would be concerned about
This reminds me about a news I read a few months ago about life expentency in Glasgow-east being the lowest in Europe .
Strangely I found more links in French than in English
This is wierd : it is only 54 for average male expentancy !!!
"Ouais c'est vrai c'est un hold up, mais cette victoire on l'a pas volée" Y. M'vila le soir d'un Toulouse-Rennes
"Le barbecue à gaz c'est de la merde" S. Armand
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Puchkin a écrit:If an independent state can make good use of the country's wealth and resources without living half of its population behind, then why not.
This is really what I would be concerned about
This reminds me about a news I read a few months ago about life expentency in Glasgow-east being the lowest in Europe .
Strangely I found more links in French than in English
This is wierd : it is only 54 for average male expentancy !!!
And people say Britain ain't broken. With a Yes vote, we can have control of our own budget and set aside more money to hel rid this damning statistic. I only live 10 mins from where the 54 average life expectancy is.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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Some day for me.
Celtic beat Aberdeen
Rennes draw with PSG
Yes has an 8 point lead in the latest independence poll.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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Are you sure ? I have seen an 8 points lead for the no
"Ouais c'est vrai c'est un hold up, mais cette victoire on l'a pas volée" Y. M'vila le soir d'un Toulouse-Rennes
"Le barbecue à gaz c'est de la merde" S. Armand
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Are you sure ? I have seen an 8 points lead for the no
The one I posted came out before the later poll ran by the No campaign. Another came out after that and has it 51% 49% for No. The highest we've ever had in that poll. I always say Don't Trust The Polls. 4 million due to vote on this, so a poll of 1000 isn't going to give as much accuracy.
The Radical Independence Movement polled the largest, 18,000 people around Scotland which pulled a 63% to 37% for Yes.
The Political Editors on TV say they can't determine it, it's too close. I disagree- I believe that Yes will win as all I can see here is Yes voters and posters. Momentum is with Yes and everyone agrees this.
The Press have stooped to new lows using dead soldiers as No propaganda.
One of these newspapers support Yes, the other supports no. Based on those two pages, who would you vote for?
Dernière édition de: Glasgow_Celtic (13-09-2014 23:59:09)
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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Just back from a protest against the BBC, thousands of Yes voters on show to show up the bias we have seen on TV and online.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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Just put a cross in the Yes box today, very proud!
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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What an embarrassment my country is.
400,000 votes in it (10%)
Glasgow and Dundee voted Yes, Edinburgh and Aberdeen votes no.
As we speak, everything the London leaders pledged to us if we voted no is now changing and being re-drafted. Potential deputy prime minister is now saying we should give Scotland less money. I hope every no voter is proud of themselves. They deserve everything that's coming to them.
Can I now move to Rennes, who has a house?
Dernière édition de: Glasgow_Celtic (19-09-2014 10:31:56)
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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I never believed that the "yes" could win, but I think that this popular vote is a good exemple for our european democraties.
A close result for an important question, probably because a lot of people found good reasons to be independant but also disadvantages.
The reason why the spanish government don't want a popular vote for Catalunya is that they know that the entire majority of the catalans dont want to stay spanish....
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I never believed that the "yes" could win, but I think that this popular vote is a good exemple for our european democraties.
A close result for an important question, probably because a lot of people found good reasons to be independant but also disadvantages.The reason why the spanish government don't want a popular vote for Catalunya is that they know that the entire majority of the catalans dont want to stay spanish....
It is now widely agreed by most political analysts that the referendum is 10 years too early. 65+ voted 73% for no, whereas the 16-17s voted 71% for Yes. The older people still feel a British-Scottish identity, we are just about half way through a transformation to a primarily Scottish identity, is what the analysts are saying. Since the 1900s support for independence had always been at 30% and has never changed until this year- which is something.
Glasgow voted Yes though and there are Pro-Yes people gathered in the main square right now.
Dernière édition de: Glasgow_Celtic (19-09-2014 14:49:03)
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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What an embarrassment my country is.
400,000 votes in it (10%)Glasgow and Dundee voted Yes, Edinburgh and Aberdeen votes no.
As we speak, everything the London leaders pledged to us if we voted no is now changing and being re-drafted. Potential deputy prime minister is now saying we should give Scotland less money. I hope every no voter is proud of themselves. They deserve everything that's coming to them.
Can I now move to Rennes, who has a house?
Sorry for you Celtic ... and Scottland
Dernière édition de: belis (19-09-2014 15:02:19)
"Ouais c'est vrai c'est un hold up, mais cette victoire on l'a pas volée" Y. M'vila le soir d'un Toulouse-Rennes
"Le barbecue à gaz c'est de la merde" S. Armand
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Glasgow_Celtic a écrit:What an embarrassment my country is.
400,000 votes in it (10%)Glasgow and Dundee voted Yes, Edinburgh and Aberdeen votes no.
As we speak, everything the London leaders pledged to us if we voted no is now changing and being re-drafted. Potential deputy prime minister is now saying we should give Scotland less money. I hope every no voter is proud of themselves. They deserve everything that's coming to them.
Can I now move to Rennes, who has a house?
Sorry for you Celtic ... and Scottland
Thanks, there's 1.6 million people in Scotland gutted today.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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I never believed that the "yes" could win, but I think that this popular vote is a good exemple for our european democraties.
A close result for an important question, probably because a lot of people found good reasons to be independant but also disadvantages.The reason why the spanish government don't want a popular vote for Catalunya is that they know that the entire majority of the catalans dont want to stay spanish....
And the 87% turnout is just fantastic! Whatever the age, social class or location, everyone went to cast their vote and take part in the referendum. This is a prime example of how a true democratic country acts to make its voice heard once and for all.
Glasgow> Call me negative but the fact 16-17 y/o were given the right to vote skewed the outcome quite a bit then. I mean, when I was 16, I would have voted for the independence of Brittany if I had been given a chance. How foolish would that have been, thinking about it. Over 70% of 16-17 voted "Yes", how many of them were beyond the simple "Yeah, Independance is Cool" attitude?
And don't get me wrong, I do feel like Scotland is a great nation and would deserve to rule itself, but I am pretty certain now wasn't the right time, in ssuch a climate of uncertainty. Let's hope Whitehall stick to their word and give them additional powers, to prepare a real, successful transition in a couple of decades or so.
gaudi> About Catalunya, was there not also a question of Spain asking Catalunya (now one of the richest parts of Spain) to repay some of what it had invested to make it a flourishing region? If they want to leave Spain when things are going wrong, it would be fair that they bought their way out to give Spain its support back, don't you think?
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gaudi a écrit:I never believed that the "yes" could win, but I think that this popular vote is a good exemple for our european democraties.
A close result for an important question, probably because a lot of people found good reasons to be independant but also disadvantages.The reason why the spanish government don't want a popular vote for Catalunya is that they know that the entire majority of the catalans dont want to stay spanish....
And the 87% turnout is just fantastic! Whatever the age, social class or location, everyone went to cast their vote and take part in the referendum. This is a prime example of how a true democratic country acts to make its voice heard once and for all.
Yeah the turnout was great, but I feel not enough of the working class came out to vote. 3% never voted I think.
Glasgow> Call me negative but the fact 16-17 y/o were given the right to vote skewed the outcome quite a bit then. I mean, when I was 16, I would have voted for the independence of Brittany if I had been given a chance. How foolish would that have been, thinking about it. Over 70% of 16-17 voted "Yes", how many of them were beyond the simple "Yeah, Independence is Cool" attitude?
I'm not going to lie and say there weren't anyone in that camp, but it would surprise you the amount of clued up people there are in that age bracket- the young person's TV debate showed that.
65+ voted the opposite of what 16-17 voted. They are pensioners with paid off mortgages and are scared of change and, to be honest, they won't experience the future of what the younger vote would.
And don't get me wrong, I do feel like Scotland is a great nation and would deserve to rule itself, but I am pretty certain now wasn't the right time, in ssuch a climate of uncertainty. Let's hope Whitehall stick to their word and give them additional powers, to prepare a real, successful transition in a couple of decades or so.
I'm not sure they'll keep their promises and Farage has already said that he wants a change to the money Scotland gets. Every no voter deserves what will happen to the country. The next 6 months will show that. It's selfishness that lost it for us.
Dernière édition de: Glasgow_Celtic (19-09-2014 15:41:38)
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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I've read this on twitter about the vote/age : "The old have killed the hopes of the young."
Interesting to see that from 16 to 54, the YES win.
Dernière édition de: Gus (19-09-2014 16:10:25)
Moi je suis Edson André Sitoe, mais toi t'es qui putain ?
Twitter : @Martin_Chois
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@Pushkin... I think that Catalunya gave more to Spain than received, and a lot of founds also came from Europe and international private investments...Anyway I'm not sure the independance is the right solution... I'm really divided on this point.
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Alex Salmond, leader of the Scottish National Party, has stepped down as First Minister. His more popular deputy, Nicola Sturgeon to take over. Salmond will still remain an SNP MSP.
Not even 9 hours since the official no to independence announcement, the Westminster politicians now going back on their word of new powers to Scotland.
Dernière édition de: Glasgow_Celtic (19-09-2014 17:33:29)
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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All kicking off now in Glasgow. Loyalists have chased and attacked Yes voters.
Loyalism is the worst thing to happen in this country.
Here are the people that I've to share a country with:
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10 … 46&fref=nf
Anyone got a free to rent house in France next to the Route de Lorient?
Dernière édition de: Glasgow_Celtic (19-09-2014 21:26:01)
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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Once again, I don't want to be the devil's advocate but on your video, I see a guy holding a camera and shouting banter at loyalists. Then drunken loyalists shout abuse back at him. Well, if they really had wanted to fuck him up, they would have.
I have found, during the late stage of the campaign, that the Yes side has used and abused of the conspiracy theories about medias/politicians/rigged elections etc...
I mean, the Daily Mail was writing an article about 10 (TEN) people in Glasgow unable to cast their vote. This is just a nirmal situation in any election in the world. There is always a few fuck-ups. Then video coming out and getting all panicked about a pile of yes ballots seemingly in a no table at some point of the night... I mean, honnestly... If anyone in power had wanted to rig the election...
At the end of the day, I wouldn't go as far as saying that the Conspiracy attitude of the yes has cost them the vote, but pretty sure it didn't help matters.
Gus > are you sure about that figure?! Have you got a link for it? I guess it could be reverted in a way to say that the 18-99 have voted no at 60+%
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