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Hi, I have designed an English speaking Rennes supporters website. I don't know what the procedure is on here about advertising so if a moderator or admin can tell me it is ok to post the website here please let me know.
The site isn't a forum or a messageboard, just information on the club in English.
I may have followed some of you on Twitter through the site's twitter page.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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A nice boost of followers now, thanks a lot to those on here who have followed.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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You can create a new topic in this section of the forum : Advertising section. Feel free to use both english and french - if you can - in the section above-mentioned since it isn't designed for english speakers only.
Again, please pardon any mistakes, still uncomfortable with written english.
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You can create a new topic in this section of the forum : Advertising section. Feel free to use both english and french - if you can - in the section above-mentioned since it isn't designed for english speakers only.
Again, please pardon any mistakes, still uncomfortable with written english.
Thanks Grig, will do.
Your English seems fine to me!
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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