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C'est même tres moyen cette pub sur le site off
Dernière édition de: cece35 (11-08-2011 16:04:03)
jmen fout du spectale, on est pas la pour amuser la galerie, mais pour gagner !
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C'est pas sur le site off quand même ^^
L'éternel revenant
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ah je croyais, mais bon , c'est moyen quand même
jmen fout du spectale, on est pas la pour amuser la galerie, mais pour gagner !
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Bah faut voir ça avec Skyrock... J'ai juste trouvé la coïncidence amusante personnellement
L'éternel revenant
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Si ce truc là traverse l' Europe et bien les cris de singes notre " African Connection " va y avoir droit . Mais bon heuresement ce n'est pas en cyrillique dans le texte .
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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A noter que je ne rapproche aucunement la banderole de pub aux joueurs, mais plutôt aux supporters
L'éternel revenant
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Si ce truc là traverse l' Europe et bien les cris de singes notre " African Connection " va y avoir droit . Mais bon heuresement ce n'est pas en cyrillique dans le texte .
Pourquoi les cris de singes?
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A cause d'une publicté mal plaçée ,pour un film de science - fiction ,mais si vous êtes plus respectueux que les Italiens ou les Espagnols ,ce n'est pas bien grâve .
Tiens pour détendre l'atmosphére une chanson Cajun qu'il parle de votre club .
" Passe la bouteille sers moi un verre.
Plus que je bois, plus que j ' vois clair .
Y'a pas d'avenir, y'en aura pas.
Y'a que l'amertume et le tracas .
Des fois j'vois l'étoile rouge . Je sens l'appel,je sens le loup "
" Jean le batailleur " Zacharie Richard .
Dernière édition de: philippe22 (11-08-2011 17:25:52)
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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A cause d'une publicté mal plaçée ,pour un film de science - fiction ,mais si vous êtes plus respectueux que les Italiens ou les Espagnols ,ce n'est pas bien grâve .
Vous affraid des paroles rascist? Je ne peux garantir qu'il n'y aura pas des cris de singes. Je ne ferai jamais une telle chose, jamais. Nous avons beaucoup de joueurs à la peau sombre de notre équipe (Borja, Addy, Mezenga) et nous les adorons tout simplement.
Ni l'un d'entre eux n'ont pas eu les problèmes raciaux à Belgrade. Et pas même dans ces dernières années (Issah,Castillo,Gueye,Draman...)
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Je n'en doutait pas une seule seconde l'ami !
Dernière édition de: philippe22 (11-08-2011 17:23:37)
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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Because of the importance od this question I will write it in English to be more precise.
My personal opinion is that thoce rascist paroles and monkey cries are there only to distract dark-skinned players, who are mostly the main stars in football teams. Almost every team has dark-skinned players. Unfortunately there are fans who protested against their own dark-skinned players, that is horrible. Those are real rascists. In Serbia there isn't any football team with fans like that. Well,actually, it happened once in one smaller town, but it is all! I repeat, Red Star has a lot of dark-skinned players and we simply love them! Also Partizan, Vojvodina, every club I think...To us they were always sympathic
I read on this forum somewhere, that someone misjudged our president's (Vladan Lukic) statement where he said that FC Rennes is a good team with a lot of dark-skinned players which shows that they are phisically strong team. Someone judged that as maybe being rascist statement. well, not. In Serbia we love players like that. Everyone was fascinated by Lee Addy's abilities - he is small but he jumps like a tiger and Borja who is strong as a bull
So Serbs are not rascists, and I hope that we will prove that
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Hermine t'as du boulot , Davaiiiiii !!!
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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Because of the importance od this question I will write it in English to be more precise.
My personal opinion is that thoce rascist paroles and monkey cries are there only to distract dark-skinned players, who are mostly the main stars in football teams. Almost every team has dark-skinned players. Unfortunately there are fans who protested against their own dark-skinned players, that is horrible. Those are real rascists. In Serbia there isn't any football team with fans like that. Well,actually, it happened once in one smaller town, but it is all! I repeat, Red Star has a lot of dark-skinned players and we simply love them! Also Partizan, Vojvodina, every club I think...To us they were always sympathic
I read on this forum somewhere, that someone misjudged our president's (Vladan Lukic) statement where he said that FC Rennes is a good team with a lot of dark-skinned players which shows that they are phisically strong team. Someone judged that as maybe being rascist statement. well, not. In Serbia we love players like that. Everyone was fascinated by Lee Addy's abilities - he is small but he jumps like a tiger and Borja who is strong as a bull
So Serbs are not rascists, and I hope that we will prove that
I was the one who have been quite shocked when I red what your president Lukic said about black players. He said that due to our numerous black players we were a team which got automaticaly athletic and speed skills. That speech isn't wrong but so restrictive ! We aren't living at the 19th century! I mean they aren't animals (that's not what he said, I agree) and it appears that in his mind a black player would have no chances to have others qualities than those he enumarated... I just can't agree with such a scilly speach!
But don't you agree with me?! Hope you don't approve his words!
Dernière édition de: Hermine Rouge et Noire (11-08-2011 18:00:37)
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Ou l' art de mettre le feu aux poudres ,version la Belette ! Et la mauvaise graine en remets une couche , je sens que ça va chauffer !
Dernière édition de: philippe22 (11-08-2011 18:04:55)
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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and it appears to be a big cultural difference between you and us as this kind of statement was made a few months ago by our national team coach (Laurent Blanc). He was recorded without knowing it and this recording went to the press. This statement was a huge scandal in France. And it is nothing more that what Lukic said : something like "who is big and strong : the blacks"
I just can't get henaff
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Ahah Sacré Philippe, j'espère que t'as compris ce que Delije nous raconte parce que c'est assez intéressant comme débat !
Dernière édition de: Hermine Rouge et Noire (11-08-2011 18:04:41)
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Yes, I agree it is restrictive but it was said only in one positive way for Rennes and Rennes's players. Restrictive yes but offensive no
If he thouhgt in his mind, like you say that ''a black player would have no chances to have others qualities than those he enumarated'' believe me, he and we, wouldn't be intimidated by your club as we are right now but we still think that we can win hahaha
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Ahah Sacré Philippe, j'espère que t'as compris ce que Delije nous raconte parce que c'est assez intéressant comme débat !
Ben non pas trop je pense que sa parle de gros Noirs et d'un président qui ne les voit que comme cela . Bref une histoire de tout -droits .
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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Yeah of course Lukic probably hasn't wanted to offense anybody but he said it in a way people could badly interprated.
That kind of speach isn't tolerated at all in France, like we saw when Laurent Blanc did a few month ago.
Philippe, t'arrives à comprendre l'idée principale, c'est déja bien l'ami
Dernière édition de: Hermine Rouge et Noire (11-08-2011 18:10:45)
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Oh philippe, excuse moi! Vous ne comprenez pas?
Pour être bref, j'ai dit que nous aimons nos joueurs à la peau foncée et que nous ne sommes pas rascists, et j'espère que nous allons le prouver
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Yeah of course Lukic probably hasn't wanted to offense anybody but he said it in a way people could badly interprated.
That kind of speach isn't tolerated at all in France, like we saw when Laurent Blanc did a few month ago.
Well, I am sorry in his behalf and I agree with you
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I hope all Red Stars fans are as nice as those who have come there for one week now, that would significate that there will be no matters
Do not be sorry Delije, you cannot do anything about it my friend
Dernière édition de: Hermine Rouge et Noire (11-08-2011 18:17:41)
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I hope all Red Stars fans are as nice as those who have come there for one week now, that would significate that there will be no matters
Our fans are like other fans of big European clubs(when I say big I mean big because of a tradition, tropheys but we are by results far from big European club but still biggest in Serbia), there is a lot of fans from all over the country, region and Europe...As we Serbs say : koliko ljudi - toliko ?udi (how many people - so many moods)
Quelqu'un at-venu à Belgrade?
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No, I've never been in Serbia but twice in Podgorica, Montenegro when I was younger.
Dernière édition de: Hermine Rouge et Noire (11-08-2011 18:29:12)
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And how was in Podgorica?
Is anyone coming to Belgrade to the match?
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