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Je suis franchement d'accord pour dire qu'il y a de sacrés bons joueurs au Danemark, mais cbombien sont reellement meilleurs que nos rennais?
==> Approximativement, TOUS .
Excellent Flyers, c'est bien de parler dans le vide, mais on reparlera dès que tu auras vu des danois jouer au football.
Pierre Dréossi, à propos de Monterrubio :
"Tous les joueurs qui ont quitté Rennes jouent maintenant dans des clubs plus huppés que Lens"
Olivier Monterrubio, la plus grande imposture du football français des années 2000.
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Sincèrement je préfère regarder les Danois jouer au handball plutôt qu'au football
quand même...
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C'est exactement comme pour les Rennais en Coupe d'Europe :
ils préfèrent regarder les autres jouer.
Pierre Dréossi, à propos de Monterrubio :
"Tous les joueurs qui ont quitté Rennes jouent maintenant dans des clubs plus huppés que Lens"
Olivier Monterrubio, la plus grande imposture du football français des années 2000.
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Sorry, Luques.
I was joking about the Rennes team, wich owe a lot to PES Game : it's the only way for european to know about Stade Rennais FC.
How else could you heard about it ?
The players you quoted before (Moreira, Utaka, Briand, ... ) are great players... in PES Only.One of the most valuables players is Etienne Didot, which is a very low-rate compared to Christian Poulsen.
And yes, Rennes is now 6th in the french league, maybe qualified for next ChampionsLeague...
You know why the French league is one of the poorest in Europe.
and Utaka is not good?because in pes6 it is a maquina.yo I played a French league with the rennes, be second, from behind of the lyon, and Utaka it was maximum goleador.de there is my devotion for Rennes, and empeze to look for reports, forums and that. I will inform starting from now but of Rennes, and I will see if it is true what you say, or the good ones in the pro are also it in the reality.
sorry for my English.
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MLC > Je pense donc que tu n'avais pas vu le Rennes-Osasuna qui fut la première victoire (et la seule actuellement) Rennaise en coupe d'europe.
Sur ce match, il me semble que ce sont les espagnols qui sont restés nous regarder jouer.
Je t'invite à réviser tes "classiques".
Dernière édition de: Rodighiero (30-04-2007 15:00:58)
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Oui c'est sur je parle dans le vide, d'ailleurs ta reponse tellement reflechie me rend completement abasourdi par ma propre stupidité, ou alors c'est ta subjectivité qui dans ce cas precis fait presque pitié a voir.
J'ai eu la chance de voir des matchs du championnat danois, et aussi des matchs de la Allsvenskan (j'ai aussi eu la chance de voir IFK Göteborg - MU au Gamla Ullevi), et franchement, on a rien a envier a ces equipes. C'est clair qu'elles pratiquent un beau jeu et ont des joueurs de talent, mais de la a dire une connerie telle que "Approximativement TOUS" (les danois sont meilleurs que les rennais) y'a un pas que je franchirais pas.
D'ailleurs si les danois sont tellement bons, pourquoi leurs equipes n'arrivent meme pas au meme niveau dans les coupes d'Europe que "les faibles equipes de L1?" Parce qu'avec un aussi bon jeu et des aussi bon joueurs, ils devraient quand meme plus se montrer que les clubs de merde qui font notre championnat non?
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I played a French league with the rennes, be second, from behind of the lyon
Yeah, it sounds like the final timetable of the french championship... Rennes will finish second behind Lyon...
Dernière édition de: Rodighiero (30-04-2007 15:16:33)
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and Utaka is not good?because in pes6 it is a maquina.yo I played a French league with the rennes, be second, from behind of the lyon, and Utaka it was maximum goleador.de there is my devotion for Rennes, and empeze to look for reports, forums and that. I will inform starting from now but of Rennes, and I will see if it is true what you say, or the good ones in the pro are also it in the reality.
sorry for my English.
Actually, it depends. Sometimes Utaka is one of the best players in our league, sometimes is useless. For months, he's often good than invisible.
On the contrary, Briand is never invisible. He runs from the first second to the last one. However, he's able to miss some opportunities like no others.
Moreira is a mystery for us. Barely, I've seen such an unlucky player.
"J'ai un peu les boules"
Fred Mackey Antonetti
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Actually, it depends. Sometimes Utaka is one of the best players in our league, sometimes is useless. For months, he's often good than invisible.
On the contrary, Briand is never invisible. He runs from the first second to the last one. However, he's able to miss some opportunities like no others.
Moreira is a mystery for us. Barely, I've seen such an unlucky player.
aa, thank you for aclaración.pues me when I play with Rennes, my game is based on balls to Utaka and this alone one is manufactured.Because in defense with Edman, Melchiot, Adailton and M'Bia don't mark me neither a goal.That is to say, good defense, and a very quick attack.
Of course, in the reality it is all different to the pes6
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Adailton go in FC Santos... He's not here
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Adailton go in FC Santos... He's not here
oh yes?From when? Not the wise thing. Good, sometimes with melchiot I put also to Faty.Faty this in the rennes not?
Dernière édition de: luqueSFC (30-04-2007 16:50:52)
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He was go in FC Santos since Aout 2006
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Dernière édition de: finrod (20-08-2009 18:02:13)
mouf72 a écrit:Adailton go in FC Santos... He's not here
oh yes?From when? Not the wise thing. Good, sometimes with melchiot I put also to Faty.Faty this in the rennes not?
Faty still plays with Rennes, but he'll probably leave the club next summer.
You forgot John Mensah who's amazing, and most of the time is partner in defense is Gregory Bourillon.
"J'ai un peu les boules"
Fred Mackey Antonetti
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oh yes, you can't forgot John Mensah, the best player with Didot, Utaka & Melchiot ... There are a lot of clubs which want to buy Mensah ... Lyon for example ... if he leaves us this summer, we probably sail him near than 12-13 millions of ... And I think it's a lot of money for us and next year there is the African Nation Cup and He will miss 2 months of competiton and furthermore he's often armed ...
Do you have Youssouf Hadji in your team ?? Because hel plays now for nancy :cry: A big mistake for our club because Hadji was a very good player very technic ...
And don't forgot to delete Monterrubio who leaved during last winter for RC Lens ... He was unbelievable and very very good but he has a bad mentality and now we have Thomert who comes from RC Lens and this player is very critized but i think we have to wait the next season to juging him ...
And Kerzakov play for Seville whereas we talked about him very often for his coming to rennes but finally he's in Sevilla now
Dernière édition de: pius35 (30-04-2007 18:28:01)
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Monterrubio_LaChevre a écrit:C'est dire le niveau de la Ligue 1.
Et Briand est bien un pitre.La Ligue 1 elle fait ce qu'elle peut. Pour info, le dernier de Premiere League touche la meme somme en droits TV quele premier de Ligue 1. Alors on peut pas vraiment comparer.
D'ailleurs, avec une telle différence de moyens je trouve que la L1 elle s'en sort pas si mal.
C'est vrai ça. La Premiere League a beaucoup de moyens. La Ligue 1, elle, a beaucoup de nuls.
Hellola luque.
"Moi c'est Albert Baning, allume tes warning !"
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Que pienses tu de Javier Chevanton? Que vale el?
Sorry for my bad Espagnol! :non::non:
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oh yes, you can't forgot John Mensah, the best player with Didot, Utaka & Melchiot ... There are a lot of clubs which want to buy Mensah ... Lyon for example ... if he leaves us this summer, we probably sail him near than 12-13 millions of ... And I think it's a lot of money for us and next year there is the African Nation Cup and He will miss 2 months of competiton and furthermore he's often armed ...
Do you have Youssouf Hadji in your team ?? Because hel plays now for nancy
:cry: A big mistake for our club because Hadji was a very good player very technic ...
And don't forgot to delete Monterrubio who leaved during last winter for RC Lens ... He was unbelievable and very very good but he has a bad mentality and now we have Thomert who comes from RC Lens and this player is very critized but i think we have to wait the next season to juging him ...
And Kerzakov play for Seville
whereas we talked about him very often for his coming to rennes but finally he's in Sevilla now
Mensah I don't usually put it.Neither hadyi neither monterrubio organizing están.los of the tournament took charge of removing it.Look, I put you my alignment:
M'Bia Adailton Melchiot Edman
Moreira Sorlin Cheirlot Jugenaump (something like that)
Utaka Briand
With this team I have been subcampeon of the French league.
Kerzakhov is a very good player, the one runs very much until getting tired.
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Try something else because , that is not a good team !!!:cool:
Cheirlot and Jugenaump don't play in Rennes 's team .
Dernière édition de: loick35-Alr (30-04-2007 19:51:27)
"Le monde se divise en deux catégories, ceux qui tiennent un pistolet chargé, et ceux qui creusent. Toi, tu creuses."
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Cheyrou et Jeunechamp...
When I'm walking a dark road
I am a man who walks alone...
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He means Cheyrou and Jeunechamp I think.
But such a shame, I don't see Etienne Didot in your team. Try a new season with Didot, and you'll be the champion for sure.
I've just realised that nobody told you that JJPD has left us too.
"J'ai un peu les boules"
Fred Mackey Antonetti
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Cheyrou et Jeunechamp...
oh yes, I was confused.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
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He means Cheyrou and Jeunechamp I think.
But such a shame, I don't see Etienne Didot in your team. Try a new season with Didot, and you'll be the champion for sure.I've just realised that nobody told you that JJPD has left us too.
I will prove it to Didot.Today in other tournament I won to Nantes 3-1, the three goals of Utaka.:mrgreen::mrgreen::naughty:
mmm, who is JJPD?
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Try something else because , that is not a good team !!!:cool:
Cheirlot and Jugenaump don't play in Rennes 's team .
I find him to change me letters in thats names.:mrgreen:
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