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Thank you philippe.
The news here from france is the elections which are happening in France. I see that hollande is slightly ahead of sarkhozy which can only be a good thing?
for me the very best thing who can happend to my country ,is the élection of Mister Hollande , but everybody don't think like me in France . Unfortunately ! But I can't explain my choice in english , sorry Glasgow Celtic .
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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Glasgow_Celtic a écrit:Thank you philippe.
The news here from france is the elections which are happening in France. I see that hollande is slightly ahead of sarkhozy which can only be a good thing?
for me the very best thing who can happend to my country ,is the élection of Mister Hollande , but everybody don't think like me in France . Unfortunately ! But I can't explain my choice in english , sorry Glasgow Celtic .
Yes I understand. You like the socialist party while the rest don't like it. I am the same in Scotland comrade.
Can you reply to this please Philippe?
Bonjour aux fans de rennes je suis à l'aide de cette nouvelle application traducteur comprenez-vous cela ? Si vous pouvez comment bonne est la traduction ?
Dernière édition de: Glasgow_Celtic (05-05-2012 21:58:45)
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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Hi GC. This one seems to be better that the old one you used. It's not a correct translation but easier to understand.
Today will be a great day, we will kick our President off. Rennes is a socialist city since more than 30 years, and the city where the FN (the fascist party) makes the less score in France.
Dernière édition de: Bob Senoussi (05-05-2012 22:24:47)
"Comment diable un homme peut-il se réjouir d'être réveillé à 6h30 du matin par une alarme, bondir hors de son lit, avaler sans plaisir une tartine, chier, pisser, se brosser les dents et les cheveux, se débattre dans le trafic pour trouver une place, où essentiellement il produit du fric pour quelqu'un d'autre, qui en plus lui demande d'être reconnaissant pour cette opportunité ?"
Hors ligne
Bonjour aux supporters de Rennes , avec l'aide de ce nouveau traducteur . Me comprenez vous? Est-ce une bonne traduction ? ( In my French ) .
It's so different ,but I can understand what you say Man !
Dernière édition de: philippe22 (05-05-2012 22:21:38)
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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Thank you bob and Philippe. I will use this translator right now if I have to use it to communicate with more of you on here.
About the politics: in the uk they are lead by the conservative party who are centre-right and brought the country back into recession and are ruining the country. Scotland HATES them ever since Thatcher who basically used scotland as a tester for everything, she screwed us up alright plus many Celtic fans hate her due to how she dealt with the Irish and the IRA which wasn't good either. Scots dont like the opposition party either 'labour' but vote them as they hate the conservatives that much.
Scotland does have its own parliament in Edinburgh the capital. It has the rule over some laws but not all and some can be vetoed by the uk government. The Scottish parliament is led by the Scottish National Party. They are very popular in Scotland which is surprising as the Scottish labour part led the way for years. The SNP are just to the left of centre (or so they say). They are very controversial in Scotland due to them wanting independence from the uk and the unionists don't like them but some still vote as some of their policies are actually good ones. The vote for independence is 2014. However scotland does have a socialist party but to be honest it does TERRIBLE in the elections. Even the far right get more votes than they do, it is very sad.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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And you my friend ,are you for the independence of your sweet and cloudy country ?
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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H-4 to get rid of the midget !
"Il y a toujours un pied ghanéen qui empêche les Allemands de trouver la solution finale." Xavier Gravelaine, au commentaire de Ghana-Allemagne, Coupe du Monde 2010.
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And you my friend ,are you for the independence of your sweet and cloudy country ?
But I wouldn't say Scotland was sweet.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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Yes!! Hollande wins!
I notice sometimes that you say that you can't fully express what you want in English sometimes, if that happens again you can write in French and I'll use the iPad application to translate, makes it easier for you. Same applies to the others.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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Hollande will be a bad thing for France, he has zero experience in the international, in the european union... His program is contradictory. His program is only against-sarkozy because of the economic crisis. (sorry for my english, I have to improve it)
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Coco, you probably voted for Sarkozy in 2007, did he have international experience?
About his program, tell me what's contradictory, what's against Sarkozy... He has the opposite economic point of view, that's not against Sarkozy.
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No I wasn't 18 in 2007, he was Minister of the Interior and Mr.Hollande has no experience of an important post in the government. During the debate he said one thing, " I will hiring 60.000 officials and during my 5 years at the power I will abolish the public debt. It's impossible!!! I know that if he hasn't the same point of view as sarkozy that's not against-sarkozy, but is communication was based on this and during the debate he had only criticized Sarkozy and he has not realy propose some answers at ours problems.
N.B: I am not fond of Sarkozy but I just think that his economic propositions were bests, don't worry the discussion is possible
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In my opinion, it was the opposite. Sarkozy never answered any of Hollande's questions and kept insulting and lieing (I'm not sure about that word, Glasgow Celtic, help please! ) about Hollande and his program. Just about Sarkozy's program, I don't think our scottish friends know that, it has been revealed less than a month before the vote. I think Sarkozy has clearly no program, he just says "Hey guys, I've been here for 5 years, let me do my thing 5 more years!"...
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what was revealed one month ago please? Hollande don't let Sarkozy speaking that was very boring to look while Sarkozy respected his time of talk. I thnik that Sarkozy has a real program, but now there is no interest to speak out about that hours long. Good luck to Mr.Hollande and I hope he will improve the situation
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In my opinion, it was the opposite. Sarkozy never answered any of Hollande's questions and kept insulting and lieing (I'm not sure about that word, Glasgow Celtic, help please! ) about Hollande and his program. Just about Sarkozy's program, I don't think our scottish friends know that, it has been revealed less than a month before the vote. I think Sarkozy has clearly no program, he just says "Hey guys, I've been here for 5 years, let me do my thing 5 more years!"...
Yes you got it correct, I can't spell it sometimes too.
On the subject of sarkhozy one major let down that he had was his private life got too in the way. Plus he acted unpresident like with his womanising as good as it may have looked.
Dernière édition de: Glasgow_Celtic (06-05-2012 22:46:32)
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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Yes!! Hollande wins!
I notice sometimes that you say that you can't fully express what you want in English sometimes, if that happens again you can write in French and I'll use the iPad application to translate, makes it easier for you. Same applies to the others.
Well , Zarko n'est qu'un putain de blaireau ,et je suis bien content de ne plus voir sa gueule !
Tu peux traduire Glasgow si tu veux, pour voir si ça marche bien .
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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Yeah that was a great translation.
I hope you said he was a 'badger' or has it picked it up wrong? Hahaha
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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what was revealed one month ago please? Hollande don't let Sarkozy speaking that was very boring to look while Sarkozy respected his time of talk. I thnik that Sarkozy has a real program, but now there is no interest to speak out about that hours long. Good luck to Mr.Hollande and I hope he will improve the situation
Noone ever respect the talking time of his opponents when talking about politic in France, but I don't think Hollande did respect less Sarkozy talking time than Sarkozy did. To be honnest, it was almost perfect compared to the others politic debate when there are 5 or 6 politicians.
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That's the right translation. Happy Day today!
"Comment diable un homme peut-il se réjouir d'être réveillé à 6h30 du matin par une alarme, bondir hors de son lit, avaler sans plaisir une tartine, chier, pisser, se brosser les dents et les cheveux, se débattre dans le trafic pour trouver une place, où essentiellement il produit du fric pour quelqu'un d'autre, qui en plus lui demande d'être reconnaissant pour cette opportunité ?"
Hors ligne
Yeah that was a great translation.
I hope you said he was a 'badger' or has it picked it up wrong? Hahaha
Yeah it's OK, he was a fucking badger !
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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Glasgow_Celtic a écrit:Yeah that was a great translation.
I hope you said he was a 'badger' or has it picked it up wrong? Hahaha
Yeah it's OK, he was a fucking badger !
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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Hi GB , do you feel good , and what do you think about the game tonight ? Do you see a victory of Rennes ?
Dernière édition de: philippe22 (07-05-2012 14:19:55)
'' ICI C'EST ROAZHON , et chez moi ST BROC ''
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I think the game will be extremely difficult for Rennes with Montpellier playing their best football for years and being top of league 1 and trying to win the league. I think 2-0 Montpellier for that reason. But Rennes are chasing for Europa league so could sneak a 1-0 win with the home advantage. Giroud will be hard for costil to stop.
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
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To my translator app on the iPad
On devrait envoyer tous nos supporters faire un stage au Celtic Park.
L'avenir appartient à ceux qui ont des ouvriers qui se lèvent tôt.
Should send all our supporters intern at Celtic Park.
The future belongs to those workers who get up early.
What does' the workers who get up early' mean?
For Rennes news in English: @WeAreRennes
Hors ligne
It comes from an expression "The future is for who get up early". Mine say "The future is for who have workers that get up early" It's ironic. I hope it's clear...
"Comment diable un homme peut-il se réjouir d'être réveillé à 6h30 du matin par une alarme, bondir hors de son lit, avaler sans plaisir une tartine, chier, pisser, se brosser les dents et les cheveux, se débattre dans le trafic pour trouver une place, où essentiellement il produit du fric pour quelqu'un d'autre, qui en plus lui demande d'être reconnaissant pour cette opportunité ?"
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