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#26 05-07-2011 19:16:01

Inscrit(e): 05-07-2011
Messages: 10

Re: French Football

Hi Kouarantin, i'm from the Tucson, Arizona. I lived in Rennes for 6 monthes last year.

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#27 05-07-2011 19:16:15

World's Best Boss
Inscrit(e): 02-03-2011
Messages: 19 660

Re: French Football

Strangly, we have not heard any interests about him but next year, I think he will go in a big club too. I agree with you, he is amazing !

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#28 05-07-2011 20:35:48

Inscrit(e): 05-11-2010
Messages: 526

Re: French Football

He's very good yes. Fast and very technical.
But this year, either he was clearly below his level (in autumn), or he was injured (february end until may). The next season will probably show what can he really make ! But in the opinion of almost everybody here, he will be one of our best player next year. Moreover for certains persons here he's god big_smile

But yet, do you still follow our results etc ? That's a good thing smile

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#29 05-07-2011 22:48:46

Inscrit(e): 05-07-2011
Messages: 10

Re: French Football

Yes i do follow the results, i do also try to read french articles bout stade rennais to get informations (actually i google translate it) and when i have time and when it's convenient i watch the games on the web. But yeah i'm a fan, i've got addicted after being to the stadium, the atmosphere arround and the "galet saucisse" wich is awesome!

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#30 05-07-2011 23:21:59

Buisiness is Buisiness
Inscrit(e): 07-01-2007
Messages: 15 018

Re: French Football

Haven't you seen the english version of the Stade Rennais Online website ? … sion-.html

The SRO team tries to translate everything as quick as possible. SRO is off course not the only source of information but the team is pretty dynamic and updates come fast for our international readers.
I'd say the delay between a new development, its publication in french and its translated version is between 6 and 48hours, mostly less than a day.

If you wanna be informed of these articles as soon as they appear on the site, the best you can do is follow @Puchkin_B on twitter. He's our chief translator wink

P.S : I almost forgot to wish you a warm welcome on our forum !

Dernière édition de: lauig (05-07-2011 23:23:50)

"I don't care if you win, I just need Kylo Rennes - Toulouse." General Hux

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#31 06-07-2011 01:46:24

Inscrit(e): 05-07-2011
Messages: 10

Re: French Football

Thank you Lauig! i appreciate. I didn't see the english version, i just found your website this morning. I read some of the articles and that's the bomb! i have to say that it's well written. Good english skills!

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#32 06-07-2011 11:03:41

Inscrit(e): 06-06-2005
Messages: 17 089

Re: French Football

My turn to welcome you to Stade Rennais Online Tom, and we hope to see you here often smile

And many thanks for your kind words on the website (and on the English version). We've launched it at the beginning of last season, and the site will soon celebrate its first year of existence, and it is a real pleasure to share about Stade Rennais with you and other fans or sympathisers of Rennes throughout the world.

If you use Twitter, you can also follow the SRO English twitter feed to be updated of any new articles and news items being published on the website. In that purpose, follow @staderennais_en and all news will be there.

And if you enjoy SRO English, please don't hesitate to spread the news around you, let people know about Rennes and us, and help making Stade Rennes America's favourite French soccer team big_smile

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#33 06-07-2011 13:15:15

Localisation: Breizh !
Inscrit(e): 20-05-2006
Messages: 9 219

Re: French Football

Tom520 a écrit:

Yes i do follow the results, i do also try to read french articles bout stade rennais to get informations (actually i google translate it) and when i have time and when it's convenient i watch the games on the web. But yeah i'm a fan, i've got addicted after being to the stadium, the atmosphere arround and the "galet saucisse" wich is awesome!

like it ! smile

@ : Kaourantin "hope" is young team, or maybe more precisely "under 21 french national team"

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#34 06-07-2011 17:43:08

Inscrit(e): 05-07-2011
Messages: 10

Re: French Football

Puchkin a écrit:

My turn to welcome you to Stade Rennais Online Tom, and we hope to see you here often smile

And many thanks for your kind words on the website (and on the English version). We've launched it at the beginning of last season, and the site will soon celebrate its first year of existence, and it is a real pleasure to share about Stade Rennais with you and other fans or sympathisers of Rennes throughout the world.

If you use Twitter, you can also follow the SRO English twitter feed to be updated of any new articles and news items being published on the website. In that purpose, follow @staderennais_en and all news will be there.

And if you enjoy SRO English, please don't hesitate to spread the news around you, let people know about Rennes and us, and help making Stade Rennes America's favourite French soccer team big_smile

Thanks Puchkin, i will try to do my best to spread the website in my entourage, unfortunately the french championship is unknown and suffer of a big lack of interest in the US. Bocanegra helped a bit for the notoriety, but he's not Zidane!
In the other hand soccer here is growing up fast, actually lot of people watch the champion's league. it's kind of a hype thing! If Rennes can get into it, we'll get new fans arround the world for sure.

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#35 06-07-2011 21:22:38

Buisiness is Buisiness
Inscrit(e): 07-01-2007
Messages: 15 018

Re: French Football

Unfortunately that feat is hard to achieve.
With only the 6th or 7th budget in Ligue1, and with such a gap between our means and those of the top clubs like Lyon, Marseille or PSG (now that they are backed by this powerful fund from Qatar) it's hard to compete.

Yet things aren't too bad for us, this past season coach Antonetti and Pierre Dréossi have built a very young group that showed a lot of potential, this year they're completing the group and if the Europa League doesn't make things too complicated we should stay in the race for a good position in the end of the season.

"I don't care if you win, I just need Kylo Rennes - Toulouse." General Hux

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#36 07-07-2011 01:16:11

Inscrit(e): 05-07-2011
Messages: 10

Re: French Football

Yes i understand that,  actually Marseille, Paris SG, or Lyon are the most famous clubs here or at least the clubs that some people may know. They may have more money and have more notoriety but they don't have Salma!! (that's also why i'm a fan)
Also i do remember that last year we were in good position during a long time, but just couldn't handle the season ending. I watched few games in april and may... It was not that good... unfortunately!

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#37 07-07-2011 12:10:51

Localisation: Breizh !
Inscrit(e): 20-05-2006
Messages: 9 219

Re: French Football

Tom520 a écrit:

Yes i understand that,  actually Marseille, Paris SG, or Lyon are the most famous clubs here or at least the clubs that some people may know. They may have more money and have more notoriety but they don't have Salma!! (that's also why i'm a fan)Also i do remember that last year we were in good position during a long time, but just couldn't handle the season ending. I watched few games in april and may... It was not that good... unfortunately!


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#38 07-07-2011 14:43:14

Inscrit(e): 06-05-2011
Messages: 2 048

Re: French Football

Hi Tom!

Good to see some english talk here, I was kinda disappointed that this forum section has sounded a bit empty! smile
Not surprised you felt the April/May SRFC' games so bad...
But we expect the team will raise its level of play, as some of the "defective" player positions are being completed (Féret,Pitroipa, left full-back and striker), and as the other said, our big players will probably stay (except Douchez).

Do you trust what I trust? Me, myself and I.

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#39 07-07-2011 15:08:53

Anto for Ever

Re: French Football

We're full of hope again, like every year at that time... Never let them drop !

#40 09-07-2011 00:14:13

Inscrit(e): 05-07-2011
Messages: 10

Re: French Football

Hi all,
Does anyone know who are we playing first in the uefa cup?
If it's not decided yet when will we know?

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#41 09-07-2011 00:17:14

Inscrit(e): 06-06-2005
Messages: 17 089

Re: French Football

Hi Tom,

the draw is next Friday. At that  time, the second qualifying round will not be over, so we might either know the name of our opponent or the name of the two clubs facing each other to then play against us...

Less than a week to go though... And this IS exciting indeed big_smile

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#42 09-07-2011 00:18:22

Localisation: bro Leon
Inscrit(e): 24-07-2006
Messages: 6 722

Re: French Football

Hi Tom, we'll know July 15th our opponent. smile

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#43 09-07-2011 00:52:41

Le phare breton
Localisation: Au panthéon du SRO
Inscrit(e): 01-10-2006
Messages: 13 242

Re: French Football

Hello A

(I don't speak english and i don't care smile )


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#44 09-07-2011 01:02:04

Chasseur de têtes
Inscrit(e): 13-06-2006
Messages: 10 450

Re: French Football

Rodighiero a écrit:

I don't speak english and i don't care

Je serais curieux de l'entendre ça!

"Le monde se divise en deux catégories, ceux qui tiennent un pistolet chargé, et ceux qui creusent. Toi, tu creuses."

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#45 12-07-2011 18:12:21

Inscrit(e): 12-07-2011
Messages: 6

Re: French Football

Hi everybody, it is nice to join this forum and I have enjoyed reading through some of the topics. Basically, I am an English journalist in Paris and I write about French football. Recently I have noticed that a lot of clubs (e.g. Grenoble, Tours, Cannes, Angers to name just a few) have been suffering from financial difficulties. I am aware that some of this is due to the issue of image rights in French sport but I also understand that there are other forces at work too. Does anybody here have any ideas or a better understanding of the issues in French football finances right now? Any suggestions/links/comments would be welcome. Please feel free to e-mail me or PM me.


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#46 12-07-2011 19:46:58

Buisiness is Buisiness
Inscrit(e): 07-01-2007
Messages: 15 018

Re: French Football

Hi Jon, welcome on SRO !

This is a very interesting topic and it has several answers.
First, I would put the case of Grenoble aside from the others, having Japanese investors trying to build a top team in a quite small city (not too small but with a huge proportion of students coming from all over the country and who, for the most part, don't give a damn about the club), a city with no good football tradition (it's a hockey/winter sports town) and too close to the two giants that are Saint-Etienne and Lyon, with too few powerful firms to back up the main investors etc This project was very very risky.

For the others (and Grenobe too), one of the main reason is the strict ruling of the DNCG. French clubs cannot contract debts as large as what is possible in Engand or Spain and when their debt reach a critical point, the DNCG pronounce their "rétrogradation administrative" (how would you translate that ? ^_^).
But that's not the only explanation, the budgets of french clubs are way too dependant to the TV rights, stadiums do not bring enough income. They don't because very few clubs own their stadium, it belongs to the city which rent it out to the club. That's the case for Rennes and for most of the clubs.
They also don't bring enough income because they're rarely full, partly because french stadiums are a bit old and unconfortable, partly due to a lack of football cuture (Frenchs are not as passionate about our clubs as the guys in Dortmund, Manchester or Istanbul), partly because the buying power of the Frenchs has taken a toll (I know it may sound weird considering the prices of a tickets for an Arsenal or Chelski game but still...), partly because the quality of the football displayed in France is not very enthusiastic, partly because french companies are reluctant to invest in football. How come Toulouse is not massively sponsored by Airbus ? How come PSG has to reach out to Qatari investors and cannot benefit from the incredibly huge profits of Total ?

Dernière édition de: lauig (12-07-2011 19:48:58)

"I don't care if you win, I just need Kylo Rennes - Toulouse." General Hux

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#47 12-07-2011 21:57:07

Inscrit(e): 06-06-2005
Messages: 17 089

Re: French Football

Hi John, and good to see you here wink

I knew lauig would come back with very good replies to your questions smile .

Another issue that  is less measurable but I believe a true cause of the issues, is the unequal ability of clubs to make the transition to modern football.

This is an issue we've seen a lot in Rugby when the switch to professionalism was made in the 90s. It didn;t happen as brutally in football, but the financial crisis may have just exposed many of the not so well structured club.

The difference between big clubs such as Lyon, Marseille or Rennes (Who all have in common a need to reduce their wage bill, as it shows since this summer for the Olympiques, since last year for Rennes) and smaller clubs of D2 or National is massive. Some clubs in D2 are not managed anywhere near as professionaly as clubs could be in the County Leagues in England, and many clubs in the National can't dream of attendances such as those of Conference clubs.

And this is a massive gap now between the old-school, local entrepreneur president liking a few bottles of red and a big meal with the staff and players after the game (this is a caricature but you see my point) and the Aulas-like, performance driven economists building near-rentable economic machines. The problem is that the old-school management, especially without a strong sponsor (Pinault, Seydoux, Louis Dreyfus, Tavernost) isn't viable anymore, and all clubs not able to achieve the transition is rather unlikely to do any better than survive (and this is enough of a struggle in many ways, especially if just one mistake can tip the boat over)

If you're interested, I'm not sure whether I gave you that link yet, but Sylvain wrote a very fine piece on the economical situation and model at the Stade Rennais, which you can read here on the website

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#48 12-07-2011 22:57:03

Inscrit(e): 12-07-2011
Messages: 6

Re: French Football

Hi guys,

Thank you very much for your replies. Both answers are really useful and I hope that I will be able to put them into a clear, simplified yet easy to understand article in the next few days. The article on Rennes finances is very helpful as is lauig's multi-pointed answer. It is great that both of you got back to me so quickly. I really appreciate the help.

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#49 12-07-2011 23:31:12

Localisation: Auckland
Inscrit(e): 20-07-2007
Messages: 1 326

Re: French Football

Hey Gossip girl, big_smile

I think my team mates forgot a major key point...the social aspect of the French population. French people would not understand that a businessman like Pinault or Seydou could in one hand spend millions in a football club and in the other hand shut down a company or fire hundreds of people to please shareholders. In other countries in deep recession (Spain for example), it looks that football clubs are allowed to do so...

Dernière édition de: paquit35 (12-07-2011 23:32:18)

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#50 13-07-2011 09:39:38

Inscrit(e): 06-05-2011
Messages: 2 048

Re: French Football

Hi guys,

To illustrate the problem, an article about one of the biggest football club financial disaster of the last 10 years: RC Strasbourg.


The team won the "Coupe de la Ligue" in 2005 with players as Mamadou Niang and Mickael Pagis, and was still playing in L1 level only 3 years ago...
Next year, it will be in amateur league, with an unknown guy as an owner, who bought the entire club for 1€!!!

I think among the problems as dic's suppression and french traditionnal way of management, club buyers are often incompetent and badly surrounded or  helped by sports managers.
Wrong choices in the short run causes bad results, more pressure, and starts a vicious circle. (FC Nantes is a good exemple for this point).

Do you trust what I trust? Me, myself and I.

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