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That is a good observation. Thank you. I should have done but when I was cutting it out it didn't occurr to me to put it in. It would have made the argument stronger so my apologies for that.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read it though! It is really appreciated and I am glad it made sense for the most part.
Hi everyone,
Thank you very much for all of your help in giving me advice, opinions and bits of information to use in my piece on French football finances. The article was published today on In Bed With Maradona's website. You can find it here: http://t.co/heF8Aub
I would love to know what you all think of it and thank you again for your help, it is much appreciated! A great start to the season for Rennes but as a PSG fan I cannot wish you too much good luck for this weekend. May the best team win!
Looking forward to posting on here again.
Paquit35: Yeah, I was not very clear there. I meant Rennes as an example of a club that does not own their stadium. Thank you for bringing t to my attention, I will make it more clear when I edit it. What do you think of the rest of it?
Hi guys,
Thank you very much for all of your replies over the past few weeks. I have recently managed to compose a piece combining all the factors that I have found contribute to the poor financial state of some football clubs and the suggestions I received from here feature heavily. I have posted a rough version of the article on the link below and would really appreciate your opinions on it. It is important that I get as many facts right as possible and if you see something and believe that it is incorrect then please tell me. I want to avoid making any false claims here.
I am aware that the article is quite dry without any quotes but the piece is very long without them and I have struggled to find any suitable for this topic. The final version of this will be shorter but I just want to get some of your general thoughts.
Hi guys,
Thank you very much for your replies. Both answers are really useful and I hope that I will be able to put them into a clear, simplified yet easy to understand article in the next few days. The article on Rennes finances is very helpful as is lauig's multi-pointed answer. It is great that both of you got back to me so quickly. I really appreciate the help.
Hi everybody, it is nice to join this forum and I have enjoyed reading through some of the topics. Basically, I am an English journalist in Paris and I write about French football. Recently I have noticed that a lot of clubs (e.g. Grenoble, Tours, Cannes, Angers to name just a few) have been suffering from financial difficulties. I am aware that some of this is due to the issue of image rights in French sport but I also understand that there are other forces at work too. Does anybody here have any ideas or a better understanding of the issues in French football finances right now? Any suggestions/links/comments would be welcome. Please feel free to e-mail me or PM me.
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